In this post, the description of each Hasta as given in the “Hasta Lakshana Deepika”. A distinct
description of “ Sankalana Hastas” is not touched upon in the same. The dancer
themselves will have to identify the different type of Hastas whether it is,
Samyutha Hastas or Sankalana Hastas.
Pathaka |
“sooryO RAja-ggaja-simhO vrushabhO
grAha thOranau LathA-pathAka veechiScha rathhyA-pAthala-bhoomayaH jaghanam bhAjanam
harmmyam sAyam maddhyandi-namghanam vAlmeeka mooroor dAsashchva charanam chakra-mAsanam ashanir-ggopuram Saityam Sakatam soumya-kubajakau-kavAda-mupadhAnaScha
pari-ghAnghya latharggaLe shaLthrimSal bharathEnOkthAH
Double Hand Uses
Sun, King, Elephant, Lion,
Ox, Crocodile, Decoration, Creeper,
Flag, Wave, Way, Hell, Earth, Lower stomach, Vessel, Terrace, Dusk,
Noon, Cloud, Anthill, Thigh, Servant, Travel, Wheel, Seat, Thunderbolt,
Building, Cold, Vehicle, Calmness, Hill, Door, Pillow, A plant, Foot, Bolt – These are the 36 double hand gestures for
Pathaka Hasta.
“divasam-gamanam jihva-lalATam
gAthra-mEvacha iva SabdaScha doothak ssaikatha PallavAH
asamyuktha PathAkAkhyo DaSahastAsameerithAH
Single Hand Gesture
Day, Movement,
Tongue,Forehead,Body, In this manner, Voice, Messenger, Sand Hill, Leaves – These are the 10 single hand gestures for
Pathaka Hasta.
Mudrakhya |
“varddhanam chalanam swargga-ssamudra-ssAndra-vismrithihi
sarvvo vignjanApanam vastu mruthyuScha dhyAnamEvacha upaveetha HrujuprOkthA MudrakhyastuthrayOdasha HastAstu samyuktha
Double hand Gestures
“Grow, Movement, Heaven,
Ocean, Lack of space, Forgetfulness, To know everything, Belongings, Death,
Meditate, Sacred Thread worn by Brahmins, Straight line – These are the 13 double hand gestures for Mudrakya
Asamyuktha Hastas
“chiththam chintha-abhilaashaScha
swayanjchaiva thathhasmrithi punaH JnjanaScha PaSchaal PrANa-parAbhavou bhaavrurththhaScha
NanjaEththhaScha Chathurththhi DwadaSObhithaHa
asamyuktha muneendraisthu karA MudrahvayAsmrithAha”
Single Hand Gestures
“Mind, Thought, Desire,
Self, To remember, Knowledge, Creation, Life, Displeasure, Future, Saying No,
To say like that – These are the 12
single hand gestures for Mudrakya Hasta.
Katakam |
Samyuktha Hastas
“vishnuH KrishnO aalee-BAnah
swarNam roopyam niSAchari nidrA-pradhAnayOshith sree-veeNA-thArA-bragul-palam
rakshah kireeTam parigham ViSesha srundanam punah sahArththhO VimSathikarAsamyukthA KatakAhwayaH
Double Hand Gestures
Vishnu, Krishna, Balarama,
Arrow, Gold, Silver, Demoness, Sleep, Important woman, Goddess Lakshmi,
Veena(a string instrument), Star, Flower Garland, Blue lotus, Demon, Crown,
Club, News – These are the 20 double
hand gestures for Kataka Hasta.
Asamyuktha Hastas
“kusumam darppaNam nAri hOma-swEdhwEl-pavAchakam
SabdasthooNeera SuRbhinnirddhishTa KatakAbhidhAha asamyuktha navakarA nAtyaSAstraviSAradhaiH”
Single Hand Gesture
Flower, Mirror, Woman,
Sacrificial fire, Sweat, A Little, Quiver for arrows, Fragrance – These are the 9 single hand gestures for Kataka
Mushti |
Samyuktha Hastas
“suthOpa-varggO-lAvaNyam puNyam
bhootScha banDanam yOgya-sthhiScha gulphaScha karshanam chAmaram Yamah panKa-oushadi
Saapoucha Dola-dAnam-pradakshiNam khananam thyAga kunthoucha vikrama-sthapanam
thathhA ulkkeerNNam prasavaSchaiva –hastAsthe
panchavimSathih mushTisamjanja muneendrai samyukthaha parikeerththithAH
Double Hand Gestures
Charioteer, Boon, Beauty,
Auspicious Deed, Happening,Box,Proper, Situation, Heel, Pulling, Whisk, Lord Yama, Dirt,
Medicine, Curse, Swing, Gift, Circumambulation, Dig a hole, To Abandon,
Spear, Valorous, Heat, To sow, To deliver a child – These are the 25 Double Hand Gestures of Mushti Hasta.
Asamyuktha Hastas
vruthhArththhaScha brishaththhaScha
dhigarththha ssachiva sthathhA langhanam sahanam dAnam-anuvAdOjayam dhanuh asmachchha-baidaka
vAkyanthu jarAharana bhOgane ayuktha mushtinAmAnaH
karA panjchadaSobhithaH
Single Hand Gestures
Simply, Excessive, Insult,
Minister, To stop, To tolerate, To give, Permission, Victory, Bow(Archery),
We, The number one, Old age, To grab, Eat –These are the 15 Single Hand Gestures of Mushti Hasta.
Kartharimukha |
Samyuktha Hastas
pApah SramO brahmaNaScha keerththiH
kubhOm-gruham-vratham Suddhis-theernjcha vamshaScha-kshudhA SravaNa bhAshaNai
gaRbhO-vasAnam mrigayA nAtyajainjar munipugavaiH karththareemukha hastAthu samyukthA shODaSasmrithaH”
Double Hand Gestures
Sin, Difficulty, A
Brahman, Glory, Elephant Head, House, Penance, Pure, River Bank, Family,
Hunger, To listen, To talk, Pregnancy, Conclusion, Hunting – These are the 16 Double Hand Gestures of
Kartharimukha Hasta.
Asamyuktha Hastas
vachanamsamayakramaH bahookthi rasmadarththhaScha maRththyO vakthram virOdhitham
bAlakona-kulaSchApinruththajainjaha samudeerithaH karththareemukha hastAkhyA asamyuktha daSaiva Hi”
Single Hand Gestures
You(Plural),Word, Time,
Plural, We, Human, Face, Animosity, Boy, Mongoose – These are the 10 Single Hand Gestures of Kartharimukha Hasta
Shukathunda |
Samyuktha Hastas
“hastOyamanKuSechaiva pakshiNevya
Double Hand Gestures
Hook to control elephants,
Bird – are the hand gestures of
Kapitha |
Samyuktha Hastas
“vagura samSayah pimchhA pAna-sparSO
nivarththanam bahiH prishThavatharaNe padavinyAsa ithyapi samyukthasthukapiththakhyAdaSahastA sameerithAH”
Double Hand Gestures
Net, Doubt, Peacock
feather, To drink, To touch, Return, Backside, Outside, To get down, To keep
a step – These are the 10 Double Hand
Gestures of Kapitha Hasta.
Hamsapaksha |
Samyuktha Hastas
dEva parVatha-sAnavaH nitya-bAndava-sha yyaScha SilA-sukhmura-sthanam vasanam
vAhanam vyAja SSayanam-pathanam janah thADanam ChhAdanam chaiva vyApanam sthhApanamthathha
AyAnam namananjchAthha majjanam chandanam thathha Alimgananjcha-anuyAnam pAlanam
prApaNam gadA kapOlamamsaH kESAScha VidhEya-anugrahou MuniH ithi SathabdAbhidhEyaScha
matsya-poojana KachchhpAh Hamsapakshakhya
Hasthathu ChathvArimSadwayOththarAH samyuktha nAtyaSAsthrajnjaih kathhithAmunipugavaiH
Double Hand Gestures
Moon, Wind, Lord
Manmatha,Devas(Gods),Mountain, Valley, Saying every time, Relatives, Bed,
Rock, Happiness, Chest, Breast, Clothes, Fake, To take, Sleep, Fall, People,
To beat, To disappear, Spread, To place, To show come, Namaskaram(Indian way
of greeting one another),Bathing, Sandal paste, To embrace, To follow, To
save, To send away, Club, Cheeks,Shoulder,Hair, Humility, Bless,Sage, Saying
like this, Fish, To worship,Tortoise -
These are the 42 Double Hand Gestures of Hamsapaksha Hasta.
Asamyuktha Hastas
“yushmal bahookthi-khaDgouruT-idA-neemaha-magrathaH
parashoor hEthirAhwAna muthsamga-prApthi-vArENa ayukthA hamsapakshakhya hasatA EkadriSa smrithaha
Single Hand Gestures
Saying You,
Sword, Anger, Saying Now, Me, In front of, Small axe, Flame, To call, Gaining
Entrance, To stop –These are the 11
single gestures of Hamsapaksha Hasta.
Shikhara |
Samyuktha Hastas
“sanjchAram charanou nEtrE
darSanam mArgga mArggaNE karNNou pAnam karASchashtou
samyuktha Sikara smrithaH”
Double Hand Gestures
Walk, Legs, Eyes, To see,
To enquire, Ears, To drink
– These are the 8 Double Hand Gestures
of Shikhara Hasta.
Hamsasya |
Samyuktha Hastas
“kaneenikA mridu-ddhooLee paNDarO-neela-lOhithou
kAruNA rOmarAjiScha samsmruthA munipumgavaiH
hamsAsya hasta nriththajnjairashTOvEvahisamyuthA”
Double Hand Gestures
Sight, Softness, Dust,
White colour, Blue colour, Red Colour, Compassion, Horripilation - These are the 8 Double
Hand Gestures of Hamsasya Hasta.
Asamyuktha Hastas
“varshArambhaha kESa rOmarEkhA
thriveli rithyapi asamyukthAsthu ChathwAro
hamsasyAkhyaH karAh SmrithaH”
Single Hand Gestures
Beginning of monsoon,
Hair, Stating rule, Fold on the stomach - These are the 4 single gestures of Hamsasya Hasta.
Anjali |
Samyuktha Hastas
“pravarsham vamanam vahniH
pravAha-praswana-prabhA moorddhajam kuNDdalanjchaiva santhApa-ssambhramassadA
nadee-snAnam pravAhaScha rudhiram nAtyakOvidaiH
samyukthAnjali nAmAnO hastApanjchAdashObhitah”
Double Hand Gestures
Heavy Rain, Retching,
Fire, Horse, Loud Noise, Light, Hair, Earrings, Heat, Anxiety, Saying
everytime, River, Bathing, Flow, Blood – These
are the 15 double hand gestures of Anjali Hasta.
Asamyuktha Hastas
“ayukthAnjali nAmAnAvubhavEva karasmrithou SAkhA KrOdhaScha vidhwathbhiH nAtyaSAsthraviSAradhaiH”
Single Hand Gestures
Branch of a tree, Anger – These are the 2 single hand gestures of
Anjali Hasta.
Ardhachandra |
Samyuktha Hastas
“yadyaRththhyaScha kimaRththhaScha
vaivashr^ncjha nabhasthhalam dhanyo daivam smrithinjchApi thr^nam puruSakunthaLam
samyukthAsthwaRddha chandrAkhya hastAnava
Double Hand Gestures
Saying if you say so,
Saying for that, Distress/Dependence, Sky, Satisfaction, God, Memory, Grass,
Hair of a male – These are the 9 double
hand gestures of Ardhachandra Hasta.
Asamyuktha Hastas
“prasthhAnam mandahAsaScha
kimSabdanjchabi-kutsanam asamyukthArddha
chandrakhyA SchatwAraH sasmrithAH karAH”
Single Hand Gestures
Preparation of a journey,
Smile, Insult, Asking what – These are
the 4 single hand gestures of Ardhachandra Hasta.
Mukuram |
Samyuktha Hastas
“damshtro viyOgO jamghAcha
nithambo vEda-sOdarou sthambhaSchOlookhalam vEgee piSAchaH pushTirithyapi EkAdiSa samAdiSTA samyukthamukurAH karaH”
Double Hand Gestures
Large Canine Tooth,
Loneliness, Calf of the leg, Half the place, The Vedas, Siblings, Pillar,
Mortar for pounding grain, One who is fast, Devil, Nourishment – These are the 11 Double Hand Gestures of
Mukura Hasta.
Asamyuktha Hastas
“vimatho bhramaro rashamiH
kOpa-ssushThu cha kanKaNam sreevAmgadam nishedhO peethruyukthA mukurAnavaH”
Single Hand Gestures
Enemy, Bee, Ray of
light,Rage, Showing Good, Bangle, Neck, Shoulder Band, Denial –These are the 9 Single Hand Gestures of
Mukura Hasta.
Bhramara |
Samyuktha Hastas
“garul gAnam jalam chhathram
danthi kaRNou maneeshibhiH bhramarAkhyasthu
samyukta hastA pancha smreerithaH”
Double Hand Gestures
Wings, Song, Water,
Umbrella, Elephants ears – These are
the 5 Double Hand Gestures of Bhramara Hasta.
Asamyuktha Hastas
nAtyakovidhaihi bhramarAkhyAsthwa samyukthA
SchwAra wsamudeerithAH”
Single Hand Gestures
characters-messengers between Gods and Humans), Creation, Fear, Cry – These are the 4 Single Hand Gestures of
Bhramara Hasta.
Soochikamukha |
Samyuktha Hastas
“bhinna-mul-pathanam lOkO-lakshmaNa-thapA-manyathaH
mAsO bhrashi-thhilam vAloyuktha soochimukhAdashaH
Double Hand Gestures
Quarrel, Upwards, To jump,
World, Lakshmana (Lord Ram’s brother), Fall, To show another, Month,
Eyebrows, Break, Tail – These are 11
Double Hand Gestures of Soochikamukha.
Asamyuktha Hastas
“EkaH kashtam jaDO-nyaScha
bahookthi SravaNaH-kalAH purAya mEthe rAjyaScha kinjchil sAkshi nirAsanam AgaScha
gachchha yuddhAya soocheemukha karAsmruthaha
shODa Saivahi nAtyajainja rasamyukthAmaneeshibhiH
Single Hand Gestures
Showing someone, Trouble,
Corpse, Stranger, Plural, To listen, Crescent Moon, Showing Earlier, Showing
me, showing you, Kingdom, Showing little, Witness, To refuse, Come, To Go – These are the 16 Single Hand Gestures of
Soochikamukha Hasta.
Pallava |
Samyuktha Hastas
“vajram paRvathaSrunganjcha
gokarNNou nEthra deerghimA mahishaH parighaH prAso janthu vEshTaNam samyuktha pallavAkhyAsthu karAh nava
Double Hand Gestures
Indra’s weapon , Peak, Ear
of a cow, Length of an eye, Buffalo, Pestle, Spear, Horn of animals, Turn – These are the 9 Double Hand Gestures of
Pallava Hasta.
Asamyuktha Hastas
dooram paNanjcha dhoomaScha
puchchham vEthranjcha-SAlayaH ayuktha pallAvAkhyasthu
hastAshaL samudeerithaH”
Single Hand Gestures
Distance, Debt, Smoke,
Tail, Broom, Grains/Pulses – These are
the 6 Single Hand Gestures of Pallava Hasta.
Tripathaka |
Samyuktha Hastas
“asthAma-adi-raye pAnam Sareeram
yAchanam budhaiH shaDaithe thripathakAkhyA
samyukthA samsmrithAkAraH”
Double Hand Gestures
Sunset, First or
Commencement, a term for addressing subordinates or friends,
Drink, Body - These are the 5 Double
Hand Gestures of Tripathaka Hasta.
Mrigashirsha |
Samyuktha Hastas
“samyuktha Eva hastOyam mrigEcha paramAthmani”
Double Hand Gestures
Animal, Supreme being - These
are the 2 Double Hand Gestures of Mrigashirsha Hasta.
Sarpashiras |
Samyuktha Hastas
“chandanam bhujago mAndya-marghyam
vikiraNam muniH danthikarNNa vidhunaScha rakshAsamvAhanam thathha navahasthAsthu samyukthA sarppaSeershEsameerithaH”
Double Hand Gestures
Sandal, Serpent, Being
careful, Value, Sow, Sage, Elephant’s ear, To save, To touch gently - These are the 9 Double Hand Gestures of
Sarpashiras Hasta.
Vardhamanaka |
Samyuktha Hastas
“sthreekuNDalam rathnamAlA
jAnu yOgeecha dundubhiH ambashTOpicha dastAshaT
Double Hand Gestures
Ladies Earrings, A Garland
filled with precious stones, Knee, One with yogic power, Kettle drum, Mahout
- These are the 6 Double Hand Gestures
of Vardhamanaka Hasta.
Asamyuktha Hastas
thrayO hasthAsthwasamyukthAH”
Single Hand Gestures
Whirlpool, Lower stomach,
Well - These are the 3 Single Hand
Gestures of Vardhamanaka Hasta.
ArAla |
Samyuktha Hastas
kuDmaLAScha-nKuraHkaraH arALakAsthu panjchaithe
kathhithA nAtyakOvidhaiH”
Double Hand Gestures
Fool, Tree , Stump, Bud,
Bamboo - These are the 5 Double Hand
Gestures of ArAla Hasta
OornanAbha |
Samyuktha Hastas
navaneetham himam bahu AmbhOja
Double Hand Gestures
Horse, Fruit, Jackal,
Butter, Snow, Showing a lot, Lotus - These
are the 7 Double Hand Gestures of OornanAbha Hasta
Mukula |
Samyuktha Hastas
“srungAlO vAnarO MlAnir vismrithiR
mukuLAhvayAH chathwAra SchaivahikarA kathhithA
Double Hand Gestures
Fox, Monkey, Weariness,
Forgetfulness - These are the 4 Hand
Gestures of Mukula Hasta(Shown as Single & double hand gestures)
Katakamukha |
Samyuktha Hastas
“kanjchukaH kinKiraH ShoorO
mallobAna-vimOchanam banDanaScha shaDEthesyuH
samyuktha katakAmukhaH”
Double Hand Gestures
Armour, Servant, Warrior, Stout,
Release arrow, Box - These are the 6 Double Hand Gestures of
Katakamukha Hasta
These are the 24 hand gestures mentioned in the Hastalakshadeepika. As time passed,
various other Mudras have been evolved by referring other books on dance but
for Kathakali and Mohiniyattam ,Hastalakshanadeepika is considered as the
source book for Mudras.
As per the Hasthalakshnadeepika, said to be followed by the Mohiniyattam artists in Kerala, Katakaamukha is to be shown with the thumb between the index and the middle fingers.
ReplyDeleteDear Sir,
DeleteI am first of all extremely honoured that an eminent personality like yourself have read my blog. As for the feedback, I have been taught that way by my Guru , Smt.Shyamala Surendran( Dharani School of performing Arts) who is herself the disciple of Late. Kalyanikutty Amma. I have also been going through Amma's books where the Mudra has been shown the similar way.
Thanking you once more.
Haritha Haridas